4D Dictionary 万字图

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المطور: Teong Cheng Keong
0.99 USD

From the ancient time until the current modern age, many people believed that number always carry some meanings. Hereby we dedicated to you our number dictionary for 999 numbers, for each number it carry a meaning and cross reference with pictures and words, the current version consist of Mandarin language explanation, and also it provided the searchable function for Mandarin only, the next version we will provide the English explanation as well. Start to look for the number that related to your daily live NOW !

从古至今,人们相信数字代表着某个意思及事物。在这里我们荣誉为您呈现“大伯公千字图”, 内附999 个数字的解说姬图文对照,现有的内容只支援中文解说及搜寻。在下一个更新我们将会支援英文解说及搜寻。现在就开始搜寻数字中的意义及奥妙!